
As of September 3, 2024, I’m…

  • having fun with “Artful Notes
    – My new newsletter is up and running. It comes out weekly and gives art and music I’ve found that is interesting, as well as highlighting things I’m currently working on.
  • releasing my first short story!
    – My first short story is released! I can’t believe it. It’s called “What Ben Didn’t Know… Just Another Lunchtime Walk.” It’s a story about random human interaction. It’s over there on the Amazon as an e-book or paperback.
    Now it’s on to the next story!
  • starting an online photo store.
    – I have wanted to do this for a while, so I’m building an online photo store of my photography. It’s part of my Image By Andy website. Go ahead, peruse the store, and maybe add something to your art collection.

This page is inspired by Derek Sivers. His “Now” project also harkens me back to the days of bulletin boards with footers of “I’m listening to:” and “I’m watching:, so …”

I’m listening to:
Yuja Wang
I was pointed the direction of Yuja Wang, spotlighting her piano playing. She is pretty dang great!

I’m watching:
As little as possible right now, trying to stay focused on my current projects.

I’m Andy Labis. The cute thing around my neck was our dog, Milo. I sing dorky songs to my wife each morning before I go to work, and then I post some of them on YouTube. I’m also a writer, photographer, and iPhone app developer. For good measure I’m a Controller for a company that does interior construction.

As many a life has done, mine has taken many twists and turns, but thankfully I’ve found a wonderful woman to share my life with. I also have been blessed to have various outlets to share things I enjoy.

Thank you for visiting and enjoy exploring my universe!