All Things Andy Monday Update

March 1st brings a new change. Rather than having to get multiple emails from me with things I’m up to, I am pulling everything together in one, weekly emailing.

It’s going to be simply called, “All Things Andy Monday.” New stuff at Songs By Andy? It’ll be in there. New reviews at Entertainment Ave!? Yup! Want to know when my apps are updated? You got it!

So, if you previously were part of the Inspire My Awesome Monday newsletter, you’ll automatically be transitioned over.

Not a part of the fun, yet? Go ahead and fill in the box below!

Welcome to All Things Andy

This is just a quick first blog post to set up the purpose of what I’m working for with this website.

For the longest time I’ve had a lot of places for people to find me. Entertainment Ave! was my first website, and while not as updated as often as I would like right now, it’s still my first baby with entertainment reviews.

I’ve also have websites of Mostly Entertainment and Inspire My Awesome, both with articles I like to write as well as a fun app at Inspire My Awesome.

Then there are the other projects, Songs By Andy, my Flickr page for my photos, and Make Me Smile, the first iPhone app I ever made.

It was always hard to tell people where to go to find out what I do.

So I am creating this site, All Things Andy.

Now, when people say, “Where can I find you?”, I can just send them here,

Right now I’m hoping to use it as a summary of new things I post, and in the future, who knows?

So, welcome to my universe. Feel free to explore!
